domenica 9 dicembre 2012

Breaking the taboo

Yesterday  some new friends made me  watch this incredible video and now I feel like I have to share it.
They were very proud of their former president Fernando H. Cardoso who’s one of the protagonist of this campaign called “Breaking the taboo”.
The motto of this new organization is: “The War on Drugs has failed. After 50 years of prohibition, illicit drugs are now the third most valuable industry in the world after food and oil, all in the control of criminals. Drugs are cheaper and more available than ever before. Millions of people are in prison for drugs offences. Corruption and violence, especially in producer and transit countries, endangers democracy. Tens of thousands of people die each year in drug wars.”
It’s time”... to end the war on drugs and the prohibition regime, and move towards a system based on decriminalisation, regulation, public health and education...”
Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton,  Juan Manuel Santos (President of the Republic of Colombia), Otto Pérez Molina (President of the Republic of Guatemala), César Gaviria (Former President of Colombia), Vincente Fox (Former President of Mexico) are only some of the main supporters.

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